Life lessons from Prescott St.

One of the key components to resilience is using challenges for growth and to make future hardships more manageable.  

As we prepare to close on our Prescott house I thought I'd do some reflection on my takeaways from that adventure. As I look back on the process of selling and relocating I am reminded of the moments of hard work, determination, sacrifices, tears, and funny memories created.  

As much as I tend to shy away from change, I am yet to look back on big changes in my life and not feel like I grew from them.  This is one of those moments. 

One thing I have learned about myself, is that while a house feels like security to me, I don’t like to feel tied down or financially trapped.  I am a free spirit. 

In some way this big and beautiful house spoke to my sense of worth and belonging.  When the reality hit that I no longer had it, I felt my sense of worth as a capable mom and woman get stripped away.  This significantly affected my ability to bounce back.  I placed WAY too much significance on this material item.  

Some of my happiest moments as an almost adult were living in a tent for a summer.  I thrive in unconditional living situations and feel true joy in having less.  Mountains, water, accessibility to be active outdoors and family…. This makes me happy. 

This change of direction took me to a very low and challenging place, but from that I have risen back to the stronger, more confident and open individual I know myself to be.  Today, I realize my true desires apart from who I thought I needed to be in order to be lovable and successful.  I depended deeply on external validation to a flaw.  Today, I am working on looking inward for what I need.  

Life lessons from Prescott Street


  • I have a tendency to put my security and worth in the hands of a material object…like a house.  I am working on reframing this.  
  • When unexpected life events happen, our true character is revealed.  I am proud the girl I chose to show up as. 
  • Hard times reveal the BEST in people!  I have SO much gratitude for those who showed up to help us in a snap without hesitation.  Too many people to list, but I hope you know who you are. 
  • Having a full house, and cabinets full of food did not allow me space or motivation to grow through my personal struggles.  
  • Realizing the investment of time and money needed to own a big home = a desire for a smaller and more quant space.
  • Interest from a loan on a big house is not worth it to me.  I really value and appreciate investing money wisely.  I’m definitely a saver.  
  • I want space for kids/family to stay.
  • Seeing the ones I love grow into their best self is the greatest feeling ever! 
  • The people who choose to be in your journey will be there no matter what.  Nothing is too much for those who love you.  I may feel alone sometimes, but that is a feeling not a fact. 


  • I am grateful for the long days of cutting wood, working on cars, or tending to the garden and animals I had as a child.  These work ethics my parents provided taught me to work hard, and never quit!  I am a really freaking hard worker!  
  • I saw how patient, resilient, full of unconditional love, and hard working my kids are.  They had open hearts throughout the house selling process despite the challenges they may have felt.  
  • I greatly respect Allan for how he showed responsibility by following through with his commitments, being accountable, dependable, and owning his stuff.  He will never f#%* with other people’s money- he will keep his word.  Always. 
  • Teamwork- communication- and individual strengths between Allan and I made this at moments, challenging, house selling journey next to seamless.  
  • Yes, I’m a crier, but don’t mistake my tears for a lack of gratitude and appreciation for the Prescott house.  She was a beautiful stepping stone in my journey to my alive and well 80 year old self!  
  • My personal fears of being incapable fueled new pockets of self discovery.
  • Trust God to show up- he NEVER fails.  He will make everything beautiful in HIS time.  


  • I'm not as easy to live with as the voices in my head tell me...this resulted in some funny stories! 
  • It is possible for a toddler to sleep 17 hours straight and not be dead.  lol
  • Don’t count your eggs if they involve 80 year old women and steep driveways or VA loans.  This isn’t an ideal situation.  
  • Good nails should be placed into protection from hands of happy sellers.  
Keep grinding.  Expect nothing.  Smile often.


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