My journey

It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. 

Epictetus- Greek stoic philosopher 

It’s true…we don’t have a choice what happens to us in life.  And YES..bad stuff will happen.  What is most significant is our behaviors/thoughts and actions.  

Who are we when life gets hard?

I think back to my fallout at the hospital and how I internalized that as something was wrong with me.  I think about how much energy I invested in worrying, grieving, feeling sorry for myself, feeling unworthy.  

This affected my sleep habits, my happiness factor, my focus, my relationship with myself and others too.  I allowed one negative experience to become an even worse outcome.  

How different would that experience have felt if I had changed my perspective?  

I also think back on the moving out of the Prescott house.  Life definitely threw a curveball here, yet I responded with optimism, resilience and creativity.  I kept my head up high and kept doing the next right thing.  I embraced the moment for what it was…an adventure I had yet to embark upon.  

I was able to see the opportunity for growth and what I could learn from the experience.  I took a ‘bad’ thing and made it a positive experience.  

How different would that experience have felt if I had changed my perspective?

When I stay present and work to create fun and lasting memories I will not look back on my journey with regret.  

Life does not happen TO you.  It happens FOR you.  

Jim Carrey


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