New Year - New Start

I haven’t always been afraid of falling.  There have been years where I embraced learning and growing.  

They say “if you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough”.  

So here I am, working on building my ability to endure setbacks. 

To embrace the ups and downs of life with grace and a smile upon my face. 

As I think about my greatest holdback, it’s not living a fulfilling life that I’m in love with, and not seeing and appreciating the value and worth that is built inside me.  

I try so hard to ‘be enough’, and to feel loved and accepted. I think about what it would feel like to love myself the way I need to, and accept anyone else God puts in my path to add to that feeling. 

By the end of the year I hope to have a softer landing when life throws me a curve ball.  

I miss the light that resonated so brightly inside of me, and I’m determined to get it back.  I only get 1 shot at this life and I don’t want to miss my chance.  

2024- I am hopeful that you are full of fun, laughter and happiness!  


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