Patience grasshopper

Today's affirmation I want to focus on is:

Be patient, it will all be ok.  

One definition for patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.  I would add to this the concept of patience involving perseverance in the face of delay. 

In some areas of my life some might say that I am too patient.  In other areas patience is hard to lean into.  When I think of patience, I would not define it with a time constraint.  Meaning, being patient doesn't mean that I will wait for (this) long and then I'll move onto something else.  I feel like I am patient with a clause.  

For instance, when I begin working out more, I have this expectation that I will start to see results within a couple weeks.  This is my idea of being patient with a time constraint.  If two weeks go by and I haven't lost weight or noticed my clothes fitting better, than I stop working out.  Obviously, it isn't going to work.  

In reality, back in 2010 when I was working out a lot, it took 6 weeks before I started noticing changes.  I needed to be patient...without a time constraint.  

If I truly live by the mantra that God is in control and he already has things figured out, then what would keep me from waiting a little bit longer for my miracles to happen?

I believe my lack of patience can be directly tied to my 'need' to control.  My need to have it all figured out and things balanced and peaceful.  

By truly surrendering my will over to God I can open up to the concept of true patience.  Some things take time to work themselves out.  In the end, it will BE ok.  


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