
Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.

Resilience involves behaviors, thoughts and beliefs that can be developed in anyone.  

The goal of being resilient is to move away from perfectionism.  Hmmmm…I never understood my challenges as a desire to seek perfection, but it makes sense.  

  • Competence in the face of stress
  • Positive outcomes despite high-risk status
  • Adapting to trauma 
  • Using challenges for growth to make future hardships more manageable.  
One pneumonic used to strategize resilience is S.A.V.E.S

Social connection-isolation is toxic.  
Surround myself with resilient role models- (someone who overcomes challenges every day).
How can I engage in my community?
What is an activity I can do to foster confidence?
What hobbies would I like to pursue?

Permanent-remember this moment/season will change.  The Chinese Farmer story is a good reference that we never really know what’s best.  
Pervasiveness- shift focus to positive thoughts and let those thoughts grow.  What we focus on grows.
Personalization- opening up to the broader context
How can I incorporate gratitude?
What mindset/actions can help me foster a growth perspective?  

Finding something we hold onto when the storms are beating against us. 
Balancing the idea that we are unique and special with humility.  
What traits do I value?
What makes me unique?

We think we have to change uncomfortable emotions.  
Creative hopelessness.
Accept what is.
Get curious about emotions - what are they telling me?
What does it look like to voice emotions without ‘needing fixed’?
Learn to self soothe- what actions feel comforting?

Laugh at myself!
Don’t take myself or life so seriously!
Have fun!!  
What things help me to feel childlike?  
What blocks me from feeling free to be silly? 

The one thing in life I can be certain of is that change is inevitable.  Life will always be presenting itself to me, and in some ways that I do not agree with, or want to participate in.  Taking care of myself in ways that build resilience will help me manage these seasons with a touch of grace.  


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