Yep, I'm enough

My patient has been given the gift of a make a wish trip to Disney. 

Since finding out this news last year, I have been beyond excited for him and his family to embark upon this journey!!  This little guy deserves to have ridiculous amounts of fun!!  He has never been on a vacation before and I can only imagine his little face when he sees the lights and sounds of Disney!

As his day nurse,  I have been invited along to help the family, and I’ve gladly accepted.  I want to do everything I can to make this a memorable trip for them and to help relieve the burden of taking a special needs child out of state on vacation. 

I have learned that while there I will have my own hotel, rental car, and I will have a meal or two provided by the local chefs each day.  All expenses paid outside of extras that I may desire.  Sounds pretty fabulous, huh?!  

However, the closer the date comes, the more I felt myself hesitating to be excited.  Truly excited.  Until today.  

While walking the treadmill today I allowed time and space to process my thoughts.  Today, for the first time, I feel like I also DESERVE going on this work trip.  I feel worthy of being pampered and taken care of. 

In my years of life so far, I admit that I have made mistakes, I have hurt people I care about, I have done things I wish I could do over… but the one thing I probably regret most, is not loving myself unconditionally.

See, as I’ve looked out to the world to satisfy my need for acceptance and belonging, I have come up short.  

Today, I accept myself just as I am.  The good, the bad and everything in between.  I don’t have to work to be lovable, because I already am.  My work goes into making the days better for myself, those I love and those I interact with.  

Felling enough is SO amazing…I’d like to keep this around for a while!


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