Goodbye easy

While the idea of going pants-less today was appealing to me, it was discouraged by several in my close circle.  Since I HAVE to wear pants today, I chose to put my brave pants on…and they were useful more than once!  

This morning shortly after arriving to work, I found the courage to call my current employer with the intent of sharing my 6 month exit plan, and to gain information on how professional references work.  I have been kicking this conversation down the road for a while now.  Fear of change, and possible failure have been my major hang ups…

But today I’m wearing my brave pants…so I called.  Goodbye ‘easy’ way

What I wasn’t expecting is that they had a couple options that I may be able to transition into, one of which is an opportunity to bring student nurses onboard to do their clinical rotations with patients.  NO way!!   How cool would that be??!  I love working with students!  

A few hours later I was having a conversation with my lil buddy’s therapist regarding potty training.  I have recently started having him wear underwear under his pull-up so that when he goes pee it will feel wet against his skin.   She voiced that she liked the concept of having him ‘feel’ wet, and asked if she could offer a suggestion.  Sure I said, but I get the feeling this is going to make things less ‘easy’ for me. 

She explains how in order for the potty training to have the greatest chance to be successful, it’s best to have him wear underwear and fitted pants.  Ditch the pull-up.  The end goal would be for the pee to ‘run down his legs’, causing the greatest discomfort.  

I take a deep breathe and then admit that I use the pull-up to make things ‘easy’ for me.  She verbalizes that she gets that.  We both giggle and I let out another sigh and then remove his diaper and toss it up in the air and say…goodbye easy way!  lol

I follow her advice, and in just a matter of minutes my buddy was in tears as he had pee running down his legs and he DID NOT like that.  Success!!! …I think, as I grin and giggle and head to the bathroom to help him get cleaned up. 

Saying goodbye to easy has significantly increased my confidence today!  It’s cool to show myself that I CAN do hard things, and I actually enjoy feeling challenged!  

Random fun fact:

Today I was told that I was being cryptic.

I need to look up what this word means, but I imagine a pic of Spider-Man is going to appear with the definition when I look this word up. lol 

What a great day of learning and growing this Wednesday  is turning out to be!

Goodbye easy!


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