self- trust
"Every day, make a tiny agreement with yourself and follow through with it"
I have this reminder posted on my bathroom mirror and it helps me to focus on the idea that trust starts with me. If I am unwilling to follow through with my word to myself, how do I expect to excel in this journey of life?
When I think of trust I think of trusting outwardly, trusting my family, kids, partner, coworkers...etc.
I recently discovered that this is a HUGE area of need in my life. As I learn to self love, validate and affirm myself, I also see the desire to trust. I desire to trust that I will be there for ME, no matter what I go through. I am eager to stop abandoning my desires.
As I started to raise my awareness regarding self-trust, it didn't take me long to realize that I could use improvement on my follow through. For example, today is Sunday. There is a yoga class at noon I like to go to. Typically on Sunday when I wake up, I say to myself that I am going to go. Then when I lay my head down on the pillow at the end of the night, I realize that I did not go to yoga.
Seems silly, and I think "don't be so hard on yourself girl", but this happens more often than I realize and in multiple areas of my life.
For so long, I needed others to validate that I was making the 'best' choice, or if I attempted to stand up for myself and received pushback, I coward to doing what 'others' feel or think I can/should.
Now I am learning to use the phrase What do I want? What do I need? and then going after it.
What does it look like to not trust yourself?
- You don’t trust your own judgment
- You think you can only make a decision if others around you agree
- You’re not able to stand up for yourself
- You have low self-esteem and lack confidence
- You always look to other people for the answers
- You believe everyone else has the answers, but you don’t
- You put yourself down either in your head or out loud to others
- You don’t have clear boundaries to protect your physical, mental, and emotional health
- You never or rarely take the time to look inward
- You feel uncomfortable spending time alone
- You’d rather stay busy than sit and reflect on your own thoughts and feelings
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