Stay open to life

Recently, this concept was shared with me: stay open to everything and closed to nothing.  I’ve been thinking deeply about this concept and what it means to me personally.  I feel that some pain I have felt over the past few years has closed my heart off…I am NOT ok with this state.  I am working to find my way back to my peace.  

Yesterday I was inspired by two young men to open up to the possibilities of the day… and I am SO grateful I crossed paths with them!  

Most of the week I lacked energy and motivation.  While this is likely the result of my medication in combination with the time change, I was feeling a desire to feel better.  I committed to myself that I would go for a run and let my body decide the pace and distance.  I was excited to finally feel good enough to get out and be active!  

After about 1 1/2 miles, I was getting tired.  Running into the wind and the ever-so-slightly uphill was challenging me.   I was determined to keep going and lean into the mental discomfort.   I was using ALL of my tools to stay focused on my breath and keeping my legs moving.  

I was interrupted by a puppy out running the streets.  It ran up from behind and approached Oaks.  Not knowing how Oakley would respond, AND selfishly wanting to finish my run, I ignored the dog and tried to continue running.  The dog stayed just far enough ahead of us to keep Oaks hyper-excited and ramy on leash.  I realized I couldn't keep running under this condition, and I elected to walk instead…uggg, I felt frustrated.   I wanted to persevere the mental battle I was experiencing and finish my run.  

I genuinely care about dogs, and I wanted to help this puppy get away from the danger of running the streets, but I didn’t want to be inconvenienced with problem solving what to do. 

The puppy found his way towards two young men about 14 years old who looked to me to help them find the puppy’s owner.  Their heart for helping was SO great, I couldn’t resist walking alongside them to find a solution.  Their open hearts were contagious, and I instantly felt myself soften to the adaptation in my plans.  

Little did I know how much this free roaming puppy would lead to the connection and kindness of strangers I could never have imagined.  

Initially, I was closed off to what was being presented to me, and I resisted being open to life.  I was fighting to have things my way…like I know what’s best. lol  

I often find curiosity in the ebbs and flows of life.  Some seasons I feel so open and curious, while others I feel so dauntingly closed off and rigid.  What could possibly be the main driving force behind these differences?  

Is it the result of the events taking place in my life?  Is it my reaction or perspective of these events?  

To believe it’s the result of the combination of events in my life would leave me feeling like I have no control over myself in my own story.  

To me, to be challenged means that I am in a situation that is unfamiliar or that I have not mastered yet.  With a high self esteem and confidence in my own worth, I can embrace this as a way to grow myself and my skills.  

While this puppy situation may seem insignificant, it showed me how often I dismiss opportunities to step up to discomfort, and how I want to improve myself in my openness to life.  This is an area that I am currently challenged by.  I’m proud of myself for choosing to lean in.  I can work towards closing the gap between my awareness of an opportunity to help, and taking action.  

I can view my response to the ebbs and flows of life as a grade card for how I am doing internally with unconditional self love, resilience and maintaining an open heart.  If I avoid going down the rabbit hole of self abandonment and harsh judgement, I can lean in with curiosity and excitement for what’s to come and the lessons I can learn.  

I can stay open to the unknown, and rest in the knowledge that I am capable of finding peace in whatever circumstances come my way.  

Tonight, I got a run in, helped a lost puppy, interacted with my youthful neighbors, and made a friend in a stranger.  I’d say that inconvenient interruption made for a great experience! 

As I stay open to life I watch it manifest for me ♥️


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