10 life lessons

1. Life waits for nobody.  Keep getting up everyday and pushing through. No matter what. 

2. Make sure you take good care of yourself.  If something happens to you, the world will move on and you will fall behind. 

3. If you don’t work to build your dream life, someone will hire you to build theirs. 

4. Work in silence.  Celebrate in private. People love to ruin things. 

5. Don’t regret your past.  Just learn from it and move on. 

6. No one cares.  Work harder to become better each day. 

7. Ignore advice from anyone who doesn’t live the life you want to live. 

8. Rule over your emotions.  A calm mind can handle any situation. 

9. If you find someone better than you that you don’t hate.  Ask them for advice and cooperate with them. 

10. You’re truly at peace with yourself when you mind your own business. 

Regardless of how I feel today, I will keep pushing through. I have made tremendous growth in the past year and I am determined not to stop. 

This week has been incredibly hard…I have cried, questioned, felt afraid, struggled with anxiety, and I have overcome.  I am a warrior.  

I struggle with the complexity of codependency, anxious attachment  and love addiction.  I CAN learn a new way of showing up as a secure partner and friend .  

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I have a strong support group to hold me up during this time of trial.  I can choose gratitude and see the best in people.  I can stay aligned to my values and morals and apologize when necessary as long as it doesn’t cause harm to the other person. 

I am confident, I am

I am willing to learn, I am

I am strong, I am

I am worthy of love and respect, I am

I am allowed to mess up, I am

I am allowed to feel, I am

I am open, I am

I am kind, I am

I am generous, I am

I am funny, I am

I am artistic, I am

I am full of youth and life, I am

I am silly, I am

I am loyal, I am


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