Radical acceptance

Radical acceptance is NOT approval, but rather completely and totally accepting with our mind, body and spirit that we cannot currently change the present facts, even if we do not like them. Dr. Marshall Linehan I found a great resource on radical acceptance and posted it to the bottom of this blog. I think it’s worth the effort to read. In the past 4 years I have dealt with intense emotional pain regarding broken relationships and bullying towards me, which has escalated in the past 6 months. As I reflect on the hard days, I think about the people who I have leaned on to hold me accountable to my values and character and wipe my tears during some of my hardest moments. Today I was triggered by sadness for the reality of the hate and hurt that is spoken/acted towards me. I mourn the inability of my voice to be heard or my heart to be understood. I fight off feelings of unworth, fear, sadness, anger, resentment, grief and pity (oh, poor me). I give m...